

”Hard work never goes unrewarded.”

Looking at the example of Bamboo, once the seed is planted, for several months we do not see any results. One might wonder if that effort has been in vain, as no progress is seen.

Bamboo takes about a full three years, in the soil, before the mother plants really take off and start producing multiple shoots that provide a bamboo forest appearance. After they take off, it is the fastest growing plant known. It shoots upward at an impressive speed.

What can we learn from this? 

During those first 3 years, Bamboo works underground, establishing a strong foundation, interconnecting roots, and preparing to sustain the growth to come. Then when this phase is ready, the doors open and the plants come to the surface. Thanks to that previous foundation work, they will now be able to grow much taller, stay rooted and stable, on a sustained basis.

Many times we make great efforts to grow in some areas of our life, it may be our career or finances for example, and for a long time we do not see results. Life is preparing us so that we can achieve a result that can be sustained over time, not just for a season.

Every effort you make in your life will never be lost • All hard work is always rewarded.

The key is to keep growing, focusing on taking one step further every day, instead of waiting for the results and falling into frustration.

In this way, at the right moment, your dream will flourish manifesting itself in your reality.

June 1st, 2020 • Written by Daniel Bellone.