Heart & Love


“Only the heart can love. When the heart does it, there is no reason.”

In times of uncertainty, lack of vision and collective disconnection, many wonder how to get ahead and how to regain the strength we once had. When there is a crisis, the natural thing is to drop everything that requires effort and is not essential or truthful. On the other hand, what comes from our heart can go through the most challenging storms and even so, that flame always remains lit. That is the fire of love, which is the greatest mystery of life itself. One can never understand love, since the mind does not belong to this dimension. You cannot say what love is, we can only speak about what love is not. The mind has wanted to take control of our heart, but it has failed. What the mind calls love is attachment.

Love is a mystery that puzzles reason. When one loves, an extraordinary force arises within us. Love is not anticipation, it is not calculation, love is an authentic expression of the soul and always elevates creation to its highest potential.

What is your life mission?

Search within your heart, don't try to understand it with your mind. We believe that thinking we are going to solve the problem, without knowing that thinking "is the problem". The heart is the wheel of the Soul that takes you where you need to be at all times. It communicates through intuition, knowing without knowing.

If it is difficult for you to connect with your heart at this moment, you may have ignored it for a long time. In that case, just meet up with this old friend and hear his story. He has a lot to tell you in these years of separation, things that happened to him and we were never conscious. That is the story of your liberation and the door to God.

August 27th 2021 • Written by Daniel Bellone

Daniel Bellone