Creating Order

”Creation by its very nature is dual; it is an interplay of order and disorder.”

In the manifested world, the law of rhythm operates stating that "the measure of oscillation towards one pole will generate the same measure of oscillation towards the opposite pole." This creation is therefore a movement from order to disorder and from disorder to order. In Sanskrit, the order is what we call dharma and disorder is adharma. Whenever adharma (disorder) has reached its extreme, then beings of high levels of consciousness incarnate to guide humanity towards dharma (order).

Those beings are us!

Disorder increases each time we turn our attention to chaos and order is reestablished each time we turn our attention to the light.

It is said that at this time of transition of ages, where we are moving from an age of darkness to an age of light, most people, unaware of the "creative power they have with their attention (mental focus)", will align themselves with the destructive forces that will cleanse the earth of all lower vibration / gross thought. Only a few beings (in relation to the whole), will awaken to the wisdom of the ‘power of their attention’ and will create the new cycle, the new humanity, an era of love, peace, and cooperation.

Nature responds to the collective consciousness of humanity.

On countless occasions, we have seen how negative planetary transits that led the collective consciousness to lean towards thoughts of chaos brought natural disasters, conflicts between nations, and suffering to the individuals.

We are living in one of such moments.

We have also seen how deserts where there was no life, water, or green, being populated with sentient beings who settled promoting harmony and love, made nature respond favorably, and abundance, ecosystem, and life flourished.

Your state of consciousness and where you choose to focus your attention is the most effective immunity in relation to the destiny that you are going to create for yourself, your family, and the rest of humanity.

Everything contains the seed of the opposite, as shown in the Yin & Yang, and if you focus on the point of light in the dark, it will grow until it envelops the darkness in a single point.

This creation is dual, there will always be darkness and light.

Only the one for whom creation has ceased to exist and has attained enlightenment, duality is transcended, beyond true and false, light and darkness, dwelling in the Divine Presence beyond form.

November 28th, 2020 • Written by Daniel Bellone.

Daniel Bellone